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What Makes A Good DIY Landscaping Project?

luke giammarioli • Dec 15, 2022

When DIY Is DI-Don't!

With YouTube tutorials and endless pages of step-by-step articles encouraging people to do landscaping projects themselves instead of contracting with an expert, this is the heyday of the DIY project. The do-it-yourself route can be exciting and empowering for some tasks. It's an excellent option for craft projects and simple fixes. The problem is those do-it-yourself lessons online don't account for the intricacies and contingencies you'd need to consider for many larger projects.


If you're considering a landscaping project, the best move is to go with a professional. Still, the temptation to try things yourself can be strong. There are two main draws regarding DIY projects: the illusion of cost savings and the feeling of pride in creating something on your own. 


Sometimes looking at the price tag for the work you want to be done can cause a bit of panic. Looking to purchase only materials instead and install everything yourself rather than paying for labor and expertise starts to seem tempting. You may save some money upfront, but most often, the projects cost you more in the long run.


One of the ways people end up paying more than they planned is the trial-and-error phase of landscape design. At best, errors in DIY projects mean you could have to buy items to help you tear out the work you did, then purchase more of the original material to start over again. Experts are well beyond the practice phase and know how to get things right the first time. A well-built paver patio can lead to a return on investment of over 100%. But if the pavers you lay down shift and crack or are put down unevenly, they become hard to look at, and you could depreciate the value of your property.


Another possibility is that the work may look fine initially but become damaged as it is exposed to the elements. Professionals know how to weather-proof their work, planning for changes in temperature, moisture levels, and regular wear and tear. For instance, if you're laying down a concrete patio and the weather conditions are just not right, the concrete may not harden properly.


At worst, though, a DIY project gone wrong could damage your property in costly and dangerous ways, like harming the structural integrity of a building, compromising the drainage system, or damaging lines for power, internet, or water.

Columns, for instance, are extremely popular. Experts can craft outstanding ornamental columns that support the structure to which they're attached. However, if you try to construct them yourself, you could put pressure on the overhang they were meant to support, crippling the entire structure.

The idea of ownership over the project is the other thing that attracts people to the DIY method. Being able to dedicate yourself to something, finding a new hobby to keep busy, and having something to show for it at the end can be very appealing. However, you can get that same fulfillment by working with a landscaper to craft your design from scratch. You can create a new design through thorough conversations which you lead. The landscaper can also provide input to help you build on your concept, potentially bringing up ideas that excite you and making the plan for the property even better.

Another benefit of working with a landscaper is that they'll know about new products and installation methods, plus an understanding of modern trends. There may be new materials you weren't even aware of that would be better for the design you're hoping to accomplish.


Further, there could be things you aren't aware of regarding how certain materials react with the climate. For instance, moisture can seep into unsealed pavers and freeze when the cold weather sets in, causing it to expand and crack the paver. The soil underneath the pavers can also expand and cause them to shift. There are installation techniques and design options that account for movement.

People can learn to create beautiful items and personalize their property or events with crafts they've made by hand via DIY projects rather than larger endeavors that can impact the property value and change your landscape.

In the Greater Toronto Area, Luke's Landscaping is known as the best in the business. We work side-by-side with our customers to carry out the vision of their property. Contact us today for an estimate or more information on our services. 

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